Starting School – Kindergarten to Reception
IELC to Mainstream Transition Starting School – Intensive English Language Centre (IELC)
Speech and Language Class Placement
Special Class Placement
Movement between School Experiences(including: beginning the day, recess/lunch,play-based to group activity, one room to another)
Transitions are times when children move between and adapt to different spaces or places and with different people, experiences, expectations and routines. The term encompasses regular transitions across a day and those that occur at significant times in children’s lives such as starting in an education and care service or starting full-time school. (Early Years Learning Framework, p.16)
Children may experience a range of transitions including:
- Moving from kindergarten to full-time school
- Moving from primary school to high school
- Moving from one school setting to another (including Intensive English Language Centre to mainstream, or mainstream setting to Special Class/Speech and Language Class)
- Going from home to school
- Participating in before and after school programs
- Going from inside to outside time, or play-based experiences to a routine activity or group time
- Moving from one year level or room to another
Showing sensitivity to the impact of transitions for some children, we have processes in place to support them in managing change.