School Information
Whole school assemblies are held in weeks 3, 6 and 10. Families are welcome to attend.
Car Parking
Please observe the No Standing signs on Belalie and Montague Roads. We need your help to help keep our children safe at all times. Please encourage your children to use the crossing lights on Belalie, Beovich and Montague Roads. The Belalie Road crossing is operated by trained student monitors and should be used by all pedestrians crossing that road.
For the children’s safety the staff car park is not to be used for “dropping off or picking up” children. Please use the visitors’ car park adjacent to Montague Road when visiting the school. The two bays nearest the brown unit in the staff car park are to be used only by vehicles displaying the disabled sticker, or workmen at the school.
School Newsletter
This will be sent home with students on Fridays, Weeks 3, 6 and 10 each term. It will contain important dates, class learning, community news and sharing of school and campus events.
We ask that families spend time reading with their children. Individual teachers set homework if and when it is required.
Bell Times
Time | Session |
8:35 AM | Yard Duty Bell - Supervision Begins |
8:55 - 10:55 AM | Morning Learning Session |
10:55 - 11:05 AM | Class Eating Time |
11:05 - 11:35 AM | Lunch Break |
11:35 - 1:15 AM | Mid Learning Session |
1:15 - 1:35 PM | Afternoon Recess Break |
1:35 - 3:05 PM | Afternoon Learning Session |
3:05 PM | End of School Day - OSHC Available |