Intensive English Language Program

At Ingle Farm Primary School, we understand that moving to a new country and learning a new language can be a very challenging and difficult time for your child. We are a welcoming community of learners who pride ourselves on ensuring that all children feel valued and supported in our multicultural school setting.
More information about IELP can be obtained in different languages by clicking Here.
The program
The Intensive English Language Program (IELP) provides intensive language support to primary school aged students (5-12 years) who are newly arrived in Australia. We introduce students to the cultural practices of Australian society and support them to learn English across all curriculum areas.
Our classes are taught by specially trained teachers who have experience in teaching students with little or no English. We use special teaching strategies that support the learning of all subjects in the Australian Curriculum with a specific focus on the English language and how to apply it effectively both academically and socially. Class sizes are intentionally small for maximum learning and are organised by age.
We have access to interpreters, Bilingual Education School Support Officers (BSSOs) and Community Liaison Officers (CLOs) are also available to support students and their families. Students usually stay in the program for 12-18 months and then transition to their local mainstream school through an organised transition program.
To be eligible for the IELP, students must have the following:
- Require intensive English language instruction
- Have an eligible and approved permanent or temporary visa sub-class
- Arrived in Australia less than 12 months in Years 2-6 (within 18 months for students in Reception and Year 1)
- Visa and passport details are required at the time of enrolment because some categories of temporary visa holders are not eligible for the program.
Our program is adapted to suit the needs of each child, so that we can have happy, motivated and successful learners.
For further information, please contact the IELP Assistant Principal:
Guillermo Salinas